Direct Janitorial Solutions Ltd, 4b St Francis Way, Shefford, Beds. SG17 5DZ 


Simple and easy to use powder and solid detergent dissolver for warewash

The ‘EvoWash’ is a powder / solid detergent dissolver with an optional, integrated rinse pump for use with existing glass / ware-wash machines. The integrated control unit allows programming to promote the safe and economical use of ware-wash supplies by ensuring an accurate amount of chemical is automatically added to every wash.



  • Bottle lockout feature to prevent non-approved
    chemicals being used in the product.
  • Optional, integrated rinse pump.
  • Retrofit rinse pump available.
  • Simple, three-button programming of integrated
  • Rinse saver feature prevents rinse additive waste during filling.
  • Detergent conductivity measurement and adjustable
    control to minimise detergent overuse.
  • ‘Rack counter’ as standard
  • ‘Descale’ mode allows for safe washer cleaning without
    detergent waste.
  • Rinse delay feature.
  • Rinse pump manual prime feature.


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