Direct Janitorial Solutions Ltd, 4b St Francis Way, Shefford, Beds. SG17 5DZ 


Simple and easy to use powder and solid detergent dissolver for warewash

The ‘EvoWash’ is a powder / solid detergent dissolver with optional, integrated rinse pump for use with existing glass / warewash machines. The integrated control unit allows programming to promote safe and economical use of warewash supplies by ensuring an accurate amount of chemical is automatically added to every wash.




Features & Benefits

  • Bottle lockout feature to prevent non-approved
    chemicals being used in the product.
  • Optional, integrated rinse pump.
  • Retrofit rinse pump available.
  • Simple, three button programming of integrated
  • Rinse saver feature prevents rinse additive waste during
    fills of the water.
  • Detergent conductivity measurement and adjustable
    control to minimise detergent overuse.
  • ‘Rack counter’ as standard
  • ‘Descale’ mode allows for safe washer cleaning without
    detergent waste.
  • Rinse delay feature.
  • Rinse pump manual prime feature.



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